Publications Dennis Tredy

Ouvrages :

Tredy, Dennis, Annick Duperray et Adrian Harding (eds.). Henry James and the Poetics of Duplicity (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, avril 2013). 258 pages.

Tredy, Dennis, Annick Duperra et Adrian Harding (eds.). Henry James’s Europe: Heritage and Transfer. (Cambridge : Open Book Publications, 2011). 292 pages.

Tredy, Dennis (ed.). The Reception of Henry James in Text and Image. EREA – Revue d’Etudes Anglophones 3.2 (automne 2007). ISSN 1638-1718. Université de Provence.


Articles/chapitres :

Tredy, Dennis. What Maisie Knew: The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl Mastering Language » Communication Nanterre, janvier 2014. Publication prévue fin 2015.

Tredy, Dennis. “Light Shadows: Loose Literary Adaptation in American Television Series of the 1960’s and Early1970’s.” Communication à Lorient, mars 2015.

Tredy, Dennis. “Radio Adaptation and the Origins of the Sitcom: Transgressional Comedy in the late 1940’s and Early 1950’s”. Communication, Rouen, janvier 2015.

Tredy, Dennis. “In Search of a ‘Third Manner’: Henry James’s Reception of Late Ninetennth-Century Realists” (chapitre). International Theory and Practice of Reception Studies Today. (British Academy Network Group: Reception of British Authors in Europe) Elinor Shaffer (ed.). Londres, Continuum (prévue printemps 2015).

Tredy, Dennis. Soirée grand public: « La Montée de l’anti-héros dans la littérature, le cinéma et la sérié télévisée américains » dans le cadre du Hero-Festival, Parc Chanot, Marseille. 9 novembre 2014.

Tredy, Dennis. “’Kind of a Drag’: Gender-Bending in the Early 1970’s American Sitcoms (with a special focus on ABC’s The Odd Couple and CBS’s MASH” Communication au Havre, octobre 2014. Publication prevue fin 2015.)

Tredy, Dennis. “’War, What Is It Good For?’: The Development of the Military Sitcom in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. » Communication à Amiens, juin 2014. Publication prevue fin 2015.

Tredy, Dennis. “From The House of Usher to The Louse of Usher: Expansion Techniques in Film Adaptations of the Works of Edgar Allan Poe in the 1960’s and Today” Interfaces, 2012 (octobre 2013)

Tredy, Dennis. “Reflecting the Changing Face of American Society: How 1970’s Sitcoms and Spin-Offs Framed Socio- political Discourse and Redefined American Identity”. TV / Séries, Vol. IV: (décembre 2013)

Tredy, Dennis. “Preface”. Henry James and the Poetics of Duplicity. Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray et Adrian Harding (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. xiii-xxii.

Tredy, Dennis. “‘Those Were the Days…’: All in the Family and the ‘Primetiming’ of U.S. Diversity and Counterculture.” Expressions artistiques et politiques de la contre-culture : La Contestation en images, 1955-1975. Revue E.O.L.L.E. Vol. II, n°4 (décembre 2012).

Tredy, Dennis. “Preface”. Henry James’s Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray et Adrian Harding (eds.). Cambridge: Open Book Publications, 2011. xiii-xxii.

Tredy, Dennis. Conférence individuelle donnée sur les adaptations filmiques de Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov (janvier 2011, Univ. Charles V – Université de Paris Diderot).

Tredy, Dennis. “Chapter II of The Grapes of Wrath”. John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. Ed. Claude Le Fustac. (Rennes : Université de Rennes, 2007). 57-73.

Tredy, Dennis. “Shadows of Shadows: Techniques of Ambiguity in Three Film Adaptations of The Turn of the Screw: Jack Clayton’s The Innocents (1961), Dan Curtis’s The Turn of the Screw (1974) and Antonio Aloy’s Presence of Mind (1999).” EREA – Revue d’Etudes Anglophones 5.1 (printemps 2007). ISSN 1638-1718. Université de Provence.

Tredy, Dennis. “Henry James’s Reception of English Realist Fiction”. EREA – Revue d’Études Anglophones 5.2 (automne 2007)

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