Biological Perspectives in 21st century Literature and Performance – Symposium number 1: New Scales. June 7, 2019

Biological Perspectives in 21st-Century Literature and Performance

Symposium n°1: New Scales

June 7, 2019


9.00 – 9.15: Welcome


9.15 – 10.05: Josie Gill (University of Bristol)

‘Pharmacogenomics, Racial Medicine and Colson Whitehead’s Apex Hides the Hurt’


10.10– 11.00: Pieter Vermeulen (University of Leuven):

‘Depopulating the Novel

Nonscalability and Population at the End of the World’


11.00 – 11.20: Coffee break


11.20 – 12.10: Ben de Bruyn (Maastricht University)

12.15-13.00: Eric Bapteste (CNRS)

Respondent: Frédérique Aït-Touati


13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break


14.30-16.00: Frédérique Aït-Touati (CNRS – EHESS), Eliane Beaufils (University of Paris 8), Liliane Campos (Sorbonne Nouvelle University)

Round-table: ‘New biological scales in contemporary performance’


16.00 – 16.15: Coffee break


16.15 – 17.05: Sophie Musitelli (University of Lille / IUF)

‘Still Life and Vital Matter in Gillian Clarke’s Poetry’


17.10 – 18.00: Derek Woods (Dartmouth College):

‘Fungoid Life: The Novels of Jeff VanderMeer’


18.00: Drinks

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