Séminaire du 1er mars 2024

Le séminaire 19-21 se tiendra le vendredi 1 mars de 13-15h, sur le campus Nation (salle B315).

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Alexandra Poulain (PR – Sorbonne Nouvelle) pour une présentation qui s’intitule :

Empatheatre’s Lalela uLwandle: Storying, Listening, Commoning

Résumé :

This talk is a presentation of Lalela uLwandle (“Listen to the sea” in isiZulu) by Empatheatre, a Durban-based collective of theatre-makers, scientists and environmental activists. It argues that the play performs a practice and ethics of the commons at several levels: its collective creative process, its choral dramaturgy based on the interweaving of stories, its epistemic structure as an “ecology of knowledges” (B. de Sousa Santos) and its plea for a radical practice of the commons as reciprocal care between human and non-human creatures and the ocean. 

An audio version of the play can be found on Empatheatre’s website: https://www.empatheatre.com/listen-to-our-lalela-ulwandle-radio-play

A short animated film based on the play is also accessible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_W3QBz9cPY

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