Colloque Résonances – Sustainable Connections and Repartive Aesthetics – 21-22 mars 2024

Le Colloque « Résonances – Sustainable Connections and Reparative Aesthetics » aura lieu les 21 et 22 mars prochain au campus Nation de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (8 avenue de Saint-Mandé, 75012).

Il est coorganisé par l’EA PRISMES et l’University de Berkeley, California. Les auditeurs sont bien entendu les bienvenus.

L’accès au campus est toutefois filtré. Si vous pensez venir, prenez contact avec Claire Davison ou Caroline Pollentier (, ou au plus tard la veille, afin que nous signalions votre venue aux agents à l’accueil.

Programme :
Thursday 21 March – Room A608

10am Welcome, Coffee, and ‘Tuning In

Claire Davison, Elsa Hogberg and Elizabeth Abel

10.40 Resonance and Phonography
Chair: Claire Davison

Jonas Lundblad: Resonance as the basis for Olivier Messiaen’s ecological poetics of music

Tom McEnaney: Dehumanizing Song: Speech-Music, Tape, and Text

12-1.40pm Lunch

1.40-3.00pm Retrospective Resonance
Chair : Luca Pinelli

Mark Hussey: What resonates? Suffering at a distance

Elizabeth Abel: Moths, Soundwaves, Genocide: The Politics of Resonance in W.G. Sebald and
Virginia Woolf


3.30-4.50pm Optical Resonance
Chair: Alexandra Poulain

Carrol Clarkson: Chromophobia, Colour, and Commitment

Charlotte de Mille: Out of Cezanne***

Friday 22 March

9.30-10.50am: Sounding the Depths
Chair: Aliette Ventejoux

Rasheed Tazudeen: Submarine Resonance, Cosmic Migration: The Indian Ocean and the Black

Christina Kuhlberg: Archival Dissonance: Questioning Deep Listening in the French Black


11.10-12.30pm Ripples and Renewal
Chair: Marie Laniel

Grace Brockington: Radical Pacifism: Resonance across Time in the book and film of The Ballet of
the Nations

Alexandra Peat: ‘Like Rings in the Water’: The Resonances of Paper in Ali Smith’s Summer


1.30-2.50pm Fine-Tuning and Radio Waves

Chair: Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio

Edward Allen: “Too hot or too delicate”: Louis MacNeice, the BBC, and South Africa

Claire Davison: Lest we remember? War, Sound and Sonic Memory in the BBC’s ‘Scrapbook’


3.10-4.30 The Feel of Resonance
Chair: Elsa Högberg

Caroline Pollentier: Haptic Resonance and the Aesthetics of Remote Touching

Jill Stauffer: What Does Possibility Feel Like? Resonance and Social Change in Settler Colonial

4.45-5.30pm ‘Sociable’ Round Table, Drinks, and ‘Tuning Out’
Conclusions, reverberations, and perspectives

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